How many times do you find yourself looking around your house and mentally rearranging the layout? I know I find myself doing it at least once a day, if not more. How often do you find yourself saying I need to get more organized? I find myself spending a lot of the time wishing for things that I don't have when in reality, I have everything I need right here. With a little help I can re-organize a space and restore its true beauty.
Restoring my house's true beauty has been one of the most stressful experiences between the should I get rid of this, or should I add this and what cabinet would this fit in. However after moving back to my old family home I have discovered the true beauty of organizing and doing so with a small space. There is something in organizing that just sits right in my soul, it makes me feel like everything is in its place and I can breathe again.
So let's dig into the start of my journey of restoring and organizing my old family home. First let me tell you that this house needed and still needs a lot of work, so I'm gonna take you along for the ride. When we first moved in the house was old, smelly and in need of just about everything from new floors, new drywall and definitely a paint job.
I'm gonna skip to the boring part where I tell you that we spend lots of money on flooring, drywall and paint and just fast forward to the part where I realized we only have ONE functional closet. I mean every room has its own closet but ONE for the common area. This was a very hard adjustment for me. I moved from a house that has many closets along with a designated laundry/ utility room. Right away I knew I had my work cut out for me in terms of organizing.
SKIP TO THIS PART IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE READING ABOUT MY LIFE :) I started with the Kitchen and under the sink organizing, So first things first, a must is under the sink organizing bins you're gonna want something that is a hard plastic and sturdy and preferably not a mesh bottom. These ( are the bins I have and they work great keeping things organized but also keeping the cabinet protected from any spills if they occur. The next must have, these ( under the cabinet plastic see through drawers, they make organizing much easier with a small space, since they stack on top of each other you get more bang for your buck so to speak and you also have the added bonus of being able to see what's in each drawer. This is a big plus for me since I can't ever remember what I put where. After I purchased an organizing bin that can hang on the cabinet door, it's see through as well and I put my dishwasher pods in there but any smaller item will fit. These ( things are incredibly durable and make my organizing heart so happy. Last but not least was this amazing find, It was these amazing bottle holders that hang from the door or wall of the cabinet.
I know reading all this useless knowledge about me has suddenly inspired you to organize your kitchen cabinet, so below I have attached images with the links to the merchandise that I have used and talked about. I will also add links to a few of my favorite brands of cleaning products and a picture of what my cabinet looks like. Keep up with my page and I will be posting next week with another blog. If you like this blog post below in the comments and if you would like something specific blogged about let me know! Until next time, it's been real.
-The H family <3
Cleaning Products: (My favorite hand soap, dish soap and all purpose cleaner) (The dishwasher pods displayed) ( Magic easer a staple for cleaning in my house!)
